The more government – the less Freedom

The More Government – The Less Freedom
Everywhere is a cry for Government to do more. While it is a way to more efficiently spread our taxes to the benefit of all, it is also a way of giving away our freedom. We are merely exchanging corporate business dominance with another form of domination in the form of Government.
While there is a case to be made for Government to own the essential services in a country, it has to be bounded to stop where it is infringing on freedom. There is a difference between essential services and the stimulation of the freedom of the growth of individual business. Once that point is reached Government should be in the business of facilitating the growth of entrepreneurs.
Government has many powers: the police, law making, the army, the navy and last, but most important the political power to influence and make things happen. Government is the platform from where contact is made with world powers to bring investment and money into the country. This is the way Government should deliver to its entrepreneurs. They should facilitate economic freedom for its people by using these powers to facilitate the growth of individuals as well as the security of the citizens.
Most entrepreneurs are at the mercy of financial institutions and investors to make their dreams of owning a business come true. This is a form of enslavement, because the interest and return on investment investors want, enslaves the person that makes use of these offerings. A business owner can never be free if he has to run his business in such a way that other parties benefit from his work and effort.
The world’s governments are maintaining this unhealthy enslavement of its citizens to financial institutions very well. This is one area where they get full marks and never fail. Enslavement of its people is its main objective. Economic freedom is not featuring on the agenda at all.
How many people realize this when the walk the street protesting for economic freedom. Demanding basic human rights services is not the same as wanting economic freedom. In the hierarchy of needs as set out by Maslow essential services ranks at the bottom of the needs of humans. It is enshrined in most constitutions that people have the basic right to shelter, water, education and health services. That is the sole purpose of voting for a government and paying taxes to them.
Economic freedom should be in the hands of the people. Government should carefully employ its wide range of powers to facilitate this. The more government dominates economic freedom, the more money its needs in the form of taxes. Just look at what is happening in Europe and the USA with its double layers of Government. In the USA each state has its own Government that imposes taxes. On top of that is Federal government that imposes another set of taxes. The same is being set up in Europe in the form of the European Union. Who foots the bill for this? It is its people – and it is not working.
As South Africans we should therefore demand from our government to work towards economic freedom for its people. We will only truly prosper if democracy is implemented in such a way that all people benefit from the creation of equal economic and entrepreneurial opportunities for all.
Every citizen should have equal opportunity to attain economic freedom in his or her life time.

About motivationlines

Thinking breathing person with a passion to share learning and to contribute to the motivation and inspiration for myself and others to do better in life.
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